Monday, November 19, 2007

Shout out to Angelika

Insomniacs are a tight group of people. I remember my days of being an insomniac, cruising the far reaches of the internets, wondering around the city before dawn, chain-smoking. It's rare, but sometimes we meet in real life, and other times we meet in cyber-life which is sometimes as real as it gets for us. But virtually every such person I've met has been super-cool, and Angelika is no exception.

She makes ridiculous posts like this. I wonder if it's one of the medical shows. God knows what's on TV when she's awake.

Check out her blog.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for the shout out!

No, it wasn't a medical show. Please. Bloody surgery is NOT disgusting or depraved, LOL.