Monday, October 13, 2008

Canceled Cable

Holy shit, I finally grew some cojones and canceled cable. This will be the first (extended) time of my life that I've been without cable :-o

Concern 1: Will not be able to watch my favorite shows.
Mitigation: My main shows of interest are The Daily Show, Colbert Report, and the Sarah Connor Chronicles. All of these are available on the intrawebnests.

Concern 2: Will not be able to watch sporting events.
Mitigation: This is a larger concern. Football games should be readily viewable at the local bar, but I know my cavs games won't be. The radio broadcast, however is free. And besides, I could be using most of my sports watching hours to practice music.

I've decided not to sell my TV and Xbox 360. While I don't actively use them, there are the occasional times when a friend wants to play video games or times when I want to watch a movie. Also, my living room would be a bit bare without the giant tv screen in the middle.

We'll see how it goes.

Saturday, October 4, 2008