Wednesday, April 5, 2006
Building Credit
That first credit card was a Clout Visa, which I guess is designed specifically for students. It came with a 500 dollar credit limit and no benefits. When its time ran out I decided to apply for a Discover card so that I could get a Koala on it. Yay! This once has rewards, and I'm just now starting to use it regularly enough to reap the benefits. A couple weeks ago I decided I want to see what my credit is like, and so I applied for an American Express card. I got it monday and it comes with a whoppin' 3000 dollar limit. I'm getting up there, but I've still got a ways to go.
Saturday, April 1, 2006
A Grand Coincidence
We begin with Social Dance 1, last quarter. I have to say, it was a really fun class and it turns out that I really like dancing. Anyways, my point of being there wasn’t, in fact, to meet ladies but rather to learn to dance. It was fun, though, meeting ladies, and on the last day I got to dance with a particularly exuberant young lady. It was pretty exciting. I got her first name, but that was it. Before I could talk to her any longer she was gone and I figured since it was the last class, chances were I’d never see her again.
So come the third day of classes this quarter and I’m on my way to Japanese class. Now this course alternates between the second floor of one building and the third floor of another. I went to the right building, but started looking for the classroom on the second floor (even though it was on the third). Finally, I check and find that it is indeed on the third floor, so start heading to the stairs.
My path is obstructed, however, by a class that’s just getting out. And who else appears but this person I had given up all hopes of ever finding again. Not willing to squander this miraculous coincidence, I grab her attention and find out that she’s going to a salsa dancing thing Saturday. I will attend, and hopefully see her there.
Prompt #1
"All right, don't be late," said Todd and the two young adults headed off. Rob would be heading straight to Hell, but Todd had some errands to take care of.
Our adventure begins as Todd goes to the supermarket to buy eggs.